Wednesday 16 January 2013

Eve Torres quits WWE

  On a WWEActive exclusive,it was revealed that former WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres quited WWE after her lost to Kaitlyn for the Divas title.

  Interviewer Matt Striker congratulated Kaitlyn for her win in her hometown of Texas,but Eve came to question Booker T for putting the stipulation that if Eve would get counted-out or disqualified,she would loss the title,in which she did.This was indeed kayfabe,though in reality she did agree with WWE to leave to become the face of "Women Empowered".

  Eve would post a video on what was believed to be her Youtube account thanking her fans and supporters throughout the 5 year stint she had with the company.It was also revealed that she had already planned on quitting about a month ago and would be allowed to loss the title on the 20th anniversary of Raw.

Friday 11 January 2013

WWE Main Event 9-01-2013

  Last Wednesday's Main Event saw both Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler battle it out.But before the match we heard more of Big E Langston's voice when he scared of interviewer Josh Matthews,which Langston was being trained to have better mic skills by both AJ an Dolph.

  The match lasted very long with both fighters giving it everything to win,but none would prevail.And after a missed superkick by Dolph,Sheamus counter with a Brogue that would lead to to Sheamus winning by count-out.After the match,AJ and Dolph both went up to the top of the ramp,but Langston would stay at ringside.

  Sheamus would then call for Langston to get in the ring to fight him,but Langston didn't get in the ring.A promo then showed Randy Orton to face U.S Champion Antonio Cesaro.
  Next saw new Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett go up against Long Island Iced-Z Zack Ryder.In the early goings of the match Wade had most control before Zack started building some momentum,with Zack even looking to finish Barrett of with Rough Ryder.But wade duck over it and landed he's Bullhamer elbow towards Zack,thus winning the match and closing the show.

Review for this week's episode:2 matches,3 promos and The Rock returning on Monday flashback doesn't give much to talk about,but to be honest it wasn't a bad episode so the score is:7/10.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Why WWE must stop taping WWE Friday Night SmackDown

  The WWE Universe all knows that WWE Friday Night SmackDown! airs on tape delay on many occasions,but it must stop here and now.

  Because of tape delays we now all get spoilers or teasers leading up to the show,including a few Raw shows which also air on tape delay.It has to stop,as it ruins every WWE fan's anticipation for the upcoming show.As seen on the photo is Alberto Del Rio having the World Heavyweight Championship around he's waist(and no he didn't steal it or something),he actually won it against Big Show in a last Man Standing match.

  And how do I know all this information,no I don't work for WWE,no I don't tell the future and no I don't have a time machine.I and along with the millions of WWE fans know this because of WWE's plan to have SmackDown run on tape delay,with many fans not able to keep their mouth shut,nor can the WWE websiteand it's Facebook page can either.

  So,now do you understand what I'm saying,if we already know that Del Rio is gonna be the new World Heavyweight Champion,there is no point of getting hyped up on who's gonna win,we all know it's Del Rio who comes up victorious,the only thing left is how the match rolled out,just like when Wade Barrett won the IC Championship from Kofi Kingston on a tape delayed episode of Raw.

  So,my question for you guys is,do you agree with me on this one?

WWE Monday Night Raw 07-01-2013 Review

  The 2013 season of Raw kicked off with a boat load of new entrants that will be contesting inside the 30 man Royal Rumble event.Now,we all know that Randy Orton,Sheamus and John Cena will all contest in said event,and on that night we learned that Dolph Ziggler and 3MB would also enter the Royal Rumble match.

  After Dolph's announcement,Cena would challenge Dolph to a match,which was accepted by Big E Langston,thus also making this the first time we ever heard Langston talk.

  During the match,both Langston and AJ would theow cheap shots on Cena before the ref would ban them from ringside.But that didn't stop Langston from coming out after the ref had been knocked-out of the ring for Langston to hit he's move Big Ending,but to no avail before Cena finally hit on AA to win.

  After that Kaitlyn would once again win Eve by count-out,Team Rhodes Scholars beat Team Hell No to put them in contention for Tag Team Titles,Orton defeated 3MB member and future Royal Rumble competitor Heath Slater,Wade Barrett defeated Santino Marella with Ricky "The Dragon"Steamboat,Cesaro picking up another victory over The Great Khali with The Miz on commentary and Sheamus landing a hat-trick of Brogues on 3MB.With Big Show picking up a very quick win over former Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston.
  In the main event the WWE Title would be hanging onto of the ring in a TLC match with CM Punk vs Ryback.

  Throughout the match it was a stalemate before Ryback ha lifted and thrown Punk through a table,in which it would be the opening fr Ryback to finally capture gold,but suddenly the lights went out and many of us surely knew what was coming towards Ryback:a Shield.

  The Shield would once again attack Ryback with Ryback able to get rid of them for a moment.But The Shield would continue their attack on Ryback and do another triple powerbomb on him through a table,in which would lead up Punk once again retaining the WWE Title.

  Punk would later come out to continue he's smack talk towards the WWE Universe before the stadium
became electrified when The Rock came out.After a brief conversation and smack talk towards each other,The People's Champion would deliver a Rock Bottom towards Punk,thus ending the show.

Overall Rating:I was actually hoping that Del Rio would be in the show,but turns out he didn't appear.But it was still a good way to kick-off 2013,but not in the best format.Rating:6/10

Friday 4 January 2013

WWE Main Event 02-01-2013 review

The first Main Event and the first WWE show of 2013 kicked off with The Miz and Antonio Cesaro arguing at each other before The Great Khali came out to take he's opportunity for the United States Championship.

For most of the match it went back and forward till Khali built some momentum before Cesaro hit he's finisher the Neutralizer to win the match,but after the match Antonio once again insulted America on then continued smack-talking on The Miz,before The Miz gave Cesaro a piece of he's own medicine and finished by saying"Your in America,and it is AWESOME!.

After it was announced that CM Punk will face Ryback in a TLC match next week on Raw Wade Barrett came out to acknowledge Kofi Kingston for calling Barrett's win a "one time deal",in which Barrett would challenge anyone in the locker room to face him in a gauntlet match.

The first challenger was Yoshi Tatsu,who quickly lost after just one Bull Hammer elbow.Then came JTG who also put up a little fight and also lost to Wade.Then came out former stablemate Justin Gabriel in which the match went back and forward before Barrett would connect he's Bull Hammer onto Gabriel.Then out of surprise came out Kofi Kingston,who quickly picked up the victory which would boost he's confidence coming this Friday Night on SmackDown.

Overall Rating
Not bad,but for me I would have at least wanted to see more action from Yoshi Tatsu and JTG because of how little time they actually get on TV.However,seeing that Antonio and Miz had a bit of a conversation,it could turn out to be a interesting feud leading up to the Royal Rumble,but that for me is still unsure of.

I'll give this week's show a 8/10 for it's lack of taste.

CM Punk vs Ryback next week on Raw

  CM Punk will defend he's WWE Championship on the first Raw of 2013 in a TLC match against Ryback.Surely Paul Heyman is thanking the Lord for having mercy on him!

  After WWE officials have examined Punk's leg,they have cleared him to compete,so next week the WWE Championship will be on the line and The Rock will surely be paying close attention as he makes he's return to Monday Night Raw.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

John Cena & Daniel Bryan spent X-mas with The Bella Twins

  Looks like we found out where John Cena and Daniel Bryan spent Christmas at and with who(okay I don't know where the hell they spent it at but I do know with who).If you don't know who's dating who,then I'll give you a bit of a head's up.John is dating Nikki(left) and Daniel is Dating Brie(right).

  Below are some more photos of the two along with some dude I simply have no clue who he is.And if that's The Bella Twins daddy then well I guest they passed the approval test!