Friday 11 January 2013

WWE Main Event 9-01-2013

  Last Wednesday's Main Event saw both Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler battle it out.But before the match we heard more of Big E Langston's voice when he scared of interviewer Josh Matthews,which Langston was being trained to have better mic skills by both AJ an Dolph.

  The match lasted very long with both fighters giving it everything to win,but none would prevail.And after a missed superkick by Dolph,Sheamus counter with a Brogue that would lead to to Sheamus winning by count-out.After the match,AJ and Dolph both went up to the top of the ramp,but Langston would stay at ringside.

  Sheamus would then call for Langston to get in the ring to fight him,but Langston didn't get in the ring.A promo then showed Randy Orton to face U.S Champion Antonio Cesaro.
  Next saw new Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett go up against Long Island Iced-Z Zack Ryder.In the early goings of the match Wade had most control before Zack started building some momentum,with Zack even looking to finish Barrett of with Rough Ryder.But wade duck over it and landed he's Bullhamer elbow towards Zack,thus winning the match and closing the show.

Review for this week's episode:2 matches,3 promos and The Rock returning on Monday flashback doesn't give much to talk about,but to be honest it wasn't a bad episode so the score is:7/10.

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