Thursday 10 January 2013

WWE Monday Night Raw 07-01-2013 Review

  The 2013 season of Raw kicked off with a boat load of new entrants that will be contesting inside the 30 man Royal Rumble event.Now,we all know that Randy Orton,Sheamus and John Cena will all contest in said event,and on that night we learned that Dolph Ziggler and 3MB would also enter the Royal Rumble match.

  After Dolph's announcement,Cena would challenge Dolph to a match,which was accepted by Big E Langston,thus also making this the first time we ever heard Langston talk.

  During the match,both Langston and AJ would theow cheap shots on Cena before the ref would ban them from ringside.But that didn't stop Langston from coming out after the ref had been knocked-out of the ring for Langston to hit he's move Big Ending,but to no avail before Cena finally hit on AA to win.

  After that Kaitlyn would once again win Eve by count-out,Team Rhodes Scholars beat Team Hell No to put them in contention for Tag Team Titles,Orton defeated 3MB member and future Royal Rumble competitor Heath Slater,Wade Barrett defeated Santino Marella with Ricky "The Dragon"Steamboat,Cesaro picking up another victory over The Great Khali with The Miz on commentary and Sheamus landing a hat-trick of Brogues on 3MB.With Big Show picking up a very quick win over former Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston.
  In the main event the WWE Title would be hanging onto of the ring in a TLC match with CM Punk vs Ryback.

  Throughout the match it was a stalemate before Ryback ha lifted and thrown Punk through a table,in which it would be the opening fr Ryback to finally capture gold,but suddenly the lights went out and many of us surely knew what was coming towards Ryback:a Shield.

  The Shield would once again attack Ryback with Ryback able to get rid of them for a moment.But The Shield would continue their attack on Ryback and do another triple powerbomb on him through a table,in which would lead up Punk once again retaining the WWE Title.

  Punk would later come out to continue he's smack talk towards the WWE Universe before the stadium
became electrified when The Rock came out.After a brief conversation and smack talk towards each other,The People's Champion would deliver a Rock Bottom towards Punk,thus ending the show.

Overall Rating:I was actually hoping that Del Rio would be in the show,but turns out he didn't appear.But it was still a good way to kick-off 2013,but not in the best format.Rating:6/10

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